Friday, October 30, 2015

Light into the Void ep 12 - Balancing EVE is simple, just limit the people!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

EVE Online players and the CSM make horrible game designers

(This was a reddit post in response to the complaints from people about CCP's current direction in game design)

You know this entire topic is really starting to aggravate me. CCP has done nothing for the past two years but listen to the constant whining and complaining from the vocal minority on how they should design their game.
The CSM and the player base are not customers, they are at best active investors and at times hostile investors. Almost all of the anger and rage you seen over the past few years has been the Carl Ichans of the eve community trying to protect their sandcastles in game.
This is does not allow sane and rational design implementation to be put forward. Then when CCP does make changes based on the vocal minority community's desires we have to sit around and hear a month of complaining from the same people on how CCP didn't get it right.
Instead of having a vision and coming up with what CCP feels is a direction they should head in, they have been compelled and brow beaten to listen to these horrible "game designers" inside the CSM and the vocal minority player base on how and why they are somehow qualified to design an MMO.
During the summer of Rage a few years ago, CCP was trying to find alternative income streams and go the direction of literally every other single MMO in the genre by bringing in microtransactions to the community. Instead the player base was whipped up into a frenzy by a few people screaming from the hilltop that there was going to be gold plated ammo, which was never CCP's intent. They were just looking for income stream via things like skins so that they could potentially move their product to a different subscriber model.
All that came out of the summer of Rage, which there was a few shining points as CCP went back to work on some of the game aspects that were broken, is a cultural shift in the company to listen to the unqualified masses on what they should do, as if any if these people have a microsecond of experience running a company, being an entrepreneur or designing a successful mmo.
As a result what we seen in the past 3 years is a continual slide down the hill that in my opinion is directly a result of bad game design decisions that I can only blame squarely on CCP for listening to the ignorance being spewed forth by people who consider themselves important. I don't think CCP should ignore its customers, on the contrary please take their ideas into consideration, but they certainly should not have let them basically run the show. All the community has managed to do is wrongly force them down paths of "improvements" which instead nearly crashed and burned the game and company.
CCP has did pretty damn well themselves in making smart business decisions and by finding a niche in the market. We do not need design by committee, we need another Soundwave / Hilmar to walk in and say this is what we're doing like it or gtfo.
If it dies it dies based on a clear leadership structure instead of this round table decision-making, were really at the end nothing ever gets really done and we get half measures because she see if he doesn't have the time or resources to keep going back over some of these very dramatic and fast changes.
Long story short let's let CCP tell us what their design is going to be and the CSM / community keep their mouth shut and only advise on small iterations, instead of trying to be game designers.

Light into the Void ep 8 - Monetization and Micro-Transaction in EVE Online

Monday, October 12, 2015

Light into the Void Ep. 6 - The death of Dust514 and the role of the Media in EVE Online


If your going to be blamed for it, be fully in charge or not at all!

(This is a story on the drone wars in 2012-2013 that saw the Drone Coalition / Solar Alliance being evicted out of the drone regions by PL and NCDOT.  I posted this a while back on Reddit, but felt it made a good blog post and life lesson).

If your going to be blamed for it, be fully in charge or not at all!

So this is a very interesting story on why you shouldn't let politicians and armchair quarterbacks run strategic fleet operations.

Here is a spreadsheet of most of the fleets I either personally fc'ed or was there for. I left out most of the Armageddon fleets for reasons I explain below. (I only tracked participation in mainline doctrine ships, and only tried logging kills and losses based on the same method.)

In the 1st few battles of the drone wars the ragtag fleets of the English speaking alliances were actually doing very well. Solar Fleet was at full strength back then and on the English side we were fielding 250 in fleets regularly.

Maelstroms were doing great, alpha was and still is king and I was pretty confident we could at least make PL / NCDOT bleed heavily for the region.

However it was a Coalition of like 6 plus alliances who all felt they deserved to comment on fleets. Nevermind most of these people never attended operations or even PVP, but there biggest complaint was that T1 maelstroms were too expensive and we should switch to a cheaper ship.

I shit you not the consensus was T2 Zealots. I flat out argued, yelled and eventually gave up, nothing I said mattered .... I was only the guy who was told to FC this mess, but really never allowed to pick the right tools for the job.

So we switched to Zealots and as you can see our k/d ratio dropped dramatically and we started to lose the war.

Solar, then seeing that combat by democracy was a horrible idea, hired Black Legion to come bail out the USTZ. This is how I found out that the famous Elo Knight's entire war plan was to be as risk adverse as possible while padding his own killboard.

He ordered all of us to fly Drakes and Hurricanes while Black Legion would sit at range sniping. Complete disaster and after a few fights he either quit or got fired by Solar.

Now at this point the wheels are coming off the bus. Alliances are in a panic, major systems are starting to fall and political hacks are scrambling to find a solution.

So, I'm like "hey guys remember Alpha" and promptly told to shut up. We are instead going to listen to Lord Ravhin (another FC back then) and fly.... Wait for it...

Pulse Armageddon's (pre-neut / drone change).

So at best we could field 100-150 of these. We flew them maybe 3-4 fleets. WE NEVER GOT A SINGLE KILL. All that PL had to do was bring in a few triage Chimeras and use Target Spectrum Breaker modules, it made Geddons in the number we could field completely ineffective and finally broke the will of the English alliances after losing probably 400 of them. 

This was also before Micro Jump Drives were in game yet, so extracting battleship fleets was pretty hard once bubbled.

Solar continued to fight for another month? after the collapse of the USTZ but even with fielding close to 900 pilot's solo on major timers, you had all of N3 and PL attending in Slowcats, proving to be too much for Solar alone to hold back.

And that children is why you don't let your alliances political hacks dictate fleet management, if your going to be tasked with being the FC you tell them what will be run, not the other way around.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Light into the Void - Ep. 3 who cares?!

Show Notes


Friday, October 2, 2015

You cant' handle the truth! (EVE Players make horrible devs)

(Originally posted to Reddit, I felt strongly about this topic that it needs to be spun out as a separate blog post)

This entire topic is really starting to aggravate me (Players stating that CCP doesnt listen to them).

CCP has done nothing for the past two years but listen to the constant whining and complaining from the vocal minority on how they should design their game.

The CSM and the player base are not customers, they are at best active investors and at times hostile investors. Almost all of the anger and rage you seen over the past few years has been the Carl Ichans of the eve community trying to protect their sandcastles in game.

This is does not allow sane and rational design implementation to be put forward. Then when CCP does make changes based on the vocal minority community's desires we have to sit around in here month of complaining from the same God and people on how CCP didn't get it right.

Instead of having a vision and coming up with what CCP feels is a direction they should head in, they have been compelled and brow beaten to listen to these horrible "game designers" inside the CSM and the vocal minority player base on how and why they are somehow qualified to design an MMO.

During the summer of Rage a few years ago,

CCP was trying to find alternative income streams and go the direction of literally every other single MMO in the genre by bringing in microtransactions to the community. 

Instead the player base was whipped up into a frenzy by a few people screaming from the hilltop that there was going to be gold plated ammo, which was never CCP's intent. They were just looking for income stream via things like skins so that they could potentially move their product to a different subscriber model.

All that came out of the summer of Rage, which there was a few shining points as CCP went back to work on some of the game aspects that were broken, is a cultural shift in the company to listen to the unqualified masses on what they should do, as if any if these people have a microsecond of experience running a company, being an entrepreneur or designing a successful mmo.

As a result what we seen in the past 3 years is a continual slide down the hill that in my opinion is directly a result of bad game design decisions that I can only blame squarely on CCP for listening to the ignorance being spewed forth by people who consider themselves important. I don't think CCP should ignore its customers, on the contrary please take their ideas into consideration, but they certainly should not have let them basically run the show. All the community has managed to do is wrongly force them down paths of "improvements" which instead nearly crashed and burned the game and company.

CCP has did pretty damn well themselves in making smart business decisions and by finding a niche in the market. We do not need design by committee, we need another Soundwave / Hilmar to walk in and say this is what we're doing like it or gtfo.

If it dies it dies based on a clear leadership structure instead of this round table decision-making, were really at the end nothing ever gets really done and we get half measures because she see if he doesn't have the time or resources to keep going back over some of these very dramatic and fast changes.

Long story short let's let CCP tell us what their design is going to be and the CSM / community keep their mouth shut and only advise on small iterations, instead of trying to be game designers.

CCP - To encourage streaming you need to create some features to help out...

Time to make EVE Stream-able

An example would be a video feed out to OBS or Stream that blocks a lot of the information on the screen (system location, overview etc)

its clunky and not user friendly for people to try and create overlays which ends up blocking 2/3's of the stream.

The example from Twitch streamer isnt him wanting to add a bunch of cool stuff to his stream, its him blocking key information from nefarious people who might be watching...

Instead provide some features so that streamers can be in real time but lower their risk of getting ganked.

It's not a perfect fix (locator agents for example are a problem for streamers) but it would really raise the bar.

Light into the Void Ep. 1 - Brain Drain at CCP?

Hosted at EOC.TV

Sunday, September 27, 2015

It's ok to have a mental illness and play EVE Online

We have a problem with EVE players suffering from acute mental illness and being shunned by some in the EVE community, namely at /r/EVE on reddit but also other places in the community.

As a Firefighter / Paramedic for the past 17 years I've seen frankly way too many suicides and mental illness patients (for a time I was the acute transfer Paramedic Unit for the regional psychiatric center) and have a lot of experience dealing with those suffering from mental illness.

In EVE there has been an initiative to better help people suffering from mental illness, its been called "Broadcast for Reps" (repairs) that is an easier way for people who are in crisis to reach out to their fellow player in a way they are comfortable with.

EVE has a very large (insert statistics here if anyone has them) current and retired military player base and many of them suffer from PTSD, usually from head trauma's or just war itself.

Military personal are at a much higher risk from suffering metal disorders and as such are a point of contention for me.  My father served in the US Navy for 8 years, I have scores of friends who have been to war coming back a changed person and I help with the anguish mental disorder patients go through too often.

(A friend of mine J Mclain (handle in EVE) / twitter @EVEBestofUs runs a in-game community of military players as a outreach, please use this amazing resource if your a military player)

I also just listened to an amazing podcast on the science behind treating PTSD via hormone replacement (and some other cutting edge medical techniques) on the Joe Rogan Podcast.

 #700 Dr. Mark Gordon is the Medical Director of Education at Access Medical Laboratory and is recognized as a top leader world wide in Interventional Endocrinology (Anti Aging Medicine). Andrew Marr is a former Green Beret and founder of the Warrior Angels Foundation


As I browse reddit often, I would see posts from people in acute mental crisis pop up and an hour later they are mysteriously gone.

Fortunately sometimes a broadcast for reps post survives, but in this particular case probably only because one of CCP's best's employees CCP Manifest, stepped in to offer some advice before the moderators had a chance to remove it.

This post, from a guy who just lost a close friend, was removed.... The mod's never commented when I asked.

And a few months ago someone came to Reddit /r/EVE talking about committing suicide and how depressed he was.  I think that post survived moderation (by accident I can assure you) but he was shunned and sadly took his life shortly afterwards, a friend of his found his post and came to say thanks that we tried to help.

It took months to get a link for "Broadcast for Reps" on the sidebar of /r/EVE and even then it was posted pretty much as far down as it could be on the sidebar.

Here is a head shaking exchange with 2 moderators on the topic

Recently there have been a few #broadcast4reps posts that haven't been removed, has there been a shift with the /r/Eve[1] mods on how they are handling these posts going forward?

I can answer that.
The problem is when I get to the report, like one from last night, the post is 5+ hours old and there is a lot of activity in the thread. Especially the one last night. Normally when they're younger and they have no replies I remove them and refer the poster to the wiki.
When there is good dialogue going on in a thread I tend not to remove them because of that reason. I probably could have removed it and it would have been of little consequence but I chose not too.
There isn't a shift, we're just not a robotic hivemind that act as one unit or one philosophy or perspective. Now if more posts for broadcasts were cropping up again of course they'll be systematically removed along with any other repetitive posts.

I have no idea what to do with those posts tbh. whatever I do the outcome is not good.

Not only are we playing with fire by shunning these people, who might just go over the edge and could have really used a helping hand... a friend, but its also morally bankrupt to ignore these people and delete their posts.  Please stop it.

To my fellow players in the EVE Community

it's ok to have a mental illness, to have bad days, to not know where to turn... Your problems are fixable, believe me. 

Please talk to someone about whats going on.  Friends, Family, even strangers on the internet or through the crisis hotlines.  

Please remember (especially friends and family of those suffering mental disorders) that you NEED to get them professional medical help.  Pick up the phone and call 911 (or your countries equivalent) if you are noticing crisis behavior (suicide attempts are obvious, but even discussing a plan to kill themselves warrants a call).

Talking about your issues will immediately make them better and start you down the road to healing.

Resources for talking to someone 
(for both EVE Players and non-EVE Players) 
can be found on this wiki page.

And as always, please reach out to me anytime @shadowlighteve or Moderator Censorship on ISBoxer usage

I was banned on /r/EVE for discussing some of the new upcoming ISBoxer features, something used by thousands of players in EVE. The features arent even controversial except these particular mods cant separate their personal feelings on 3rd party software with doing their jobs as neutral moderators of a discussion forum.

There are a few moderators with an axe to grind with the software, lashing out a myself as I am an advocate for its usage as a key and helpful feature to multiboxing in EVE Online.

The most recent blow up was posting a video showing that ISBoxer 2.0 (in Alpha) that when I 1st posted, was removed with zero indication as to why.  When I asked why it was removed, /u/spysix asked that I post it to the official forums THEN to post that link to Reddit, which I did.  He stated that if CCP allows its discussion, then its fine for /r/EVE.  

Following moderators /u/spysix advice, I was banned by JayneF or Gorski Car (who’s professionalism of telling me to “get f**ked” when I asked why I was banned is ridiculous)

Typically the argument is that its against the EULA (it’s not) or that recently that because its not directly EVE related it cannot be discussed in /r/EVE (also a laughable excuse).

The EULA defense also holds no water.  There is one feature, of dozens, that is not allowed to be used in EVE (same time input duplication) while the rest are within what we can tell of CCP’s vague statement on multiboxing features.  It’s most basic and arguably most useful features are well within the EULA as its currently interpreted (window management and CPU optimization).

Saying it's not eve related is being disingenuous at best, lying at worse.  It's used by thousands of people in EVE including huge in-game personalities / Fc's, streamers etc.

If there is some new rule that if its not directly EVE related software it cannot be discussed, then please also clearly state on the sidebar that any discussion of isboxer, teamspeak, slack, jabber, Irc, Mumble or any number of other 3rd party programs are not eve related and will result in a ban if you discuss them on /r/Eve.

This is a simple problem.  There are 2 rules on the sidebar pertaining to anything in this sphere.

ISBoxer *is* EVE related as much as teamspeak, jabber etc is and ISBoxer usage is *not* against the EULA.

I am sorry a few moderators here cannot seem to wrap their heads around it, but you cannot make up arbitrary rules because you “like” something. There are some good moderators in /r/EVE (who are active) like Chribba and Spysix, but some of them are a joke.  Your job is to be fair, balanced and to enforce the established rules, not be a child and lash out when someone does something that upsets your feelings.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Recalling a CSM Elected Representative?

The people demand to be heard!

For those who doesnt follow the CSM days-of-our-lives Drama, almost immediately after being elected CSM 10 Electee Corbexx declared he was leaving his wormhole group No Holes Barred and joining 0.0 group GoonSwarm.

“Elections belong to the people. It's their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters.” 
― Abraham Lincoln (the 1st black President)

(Maybe I should use a more modern drama...)

This has caused a groundswell of anger in the wormhole community, who feel (I am using generalizations here based on my observations) that Corbexx was elected as "their' representative to CCP about what wormhole space players want in the future, not as a 0.0 candidate.

You can find some of the outrage here on the WH forums. For those not currently subscribed, its basically Corbexx and his supporters saying he will still be a great WH representative, vs others saying they feel betrayed.

   (Real Housewives CSM Members of Atlanta... Wait CCP has an office there...)
While I dont have as much of a vested interest into the Corbexx situation as dedicated wormhole players do (I am not ignorant of WH life, it's just however not my primary form of gameplay as I am 0.0 focused), I found the entire situation very interesting from the political science viewpoint.

I've read (Forums, Reddit) and heard (Podcasts and EVE-Radio shows) proposed some interesting questions.  Should Corbexx be recalled?

(An angry EVE Player shouts at a CSM member... not really)

At present, there is no mechanism in place on the CSM White Paper to force a recall of a candidate.

However if the CSM is indeed ment to be a player elected body, then a recall mechanism doesnt seem like it would be too far fetched of a mechanic.

I have brought the idea to CCP Leelo's attention on Tweetfleet and I await her response if CCP would indeed create a recall mechanic.

Possible Recall Mechanics?

In the United States, on of the more visible recall situations was Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, who actually survived multiple recall attempts and won those re-elections by a large margin.

There was an  requirement to gain 540k signed petitions in order to force a recall vote, of which they did meet that required number (doubling it actually, getting nearly 1m signed petitions).

The rules in the United States vary in each State, but using Kansas as the worst case scenario stating that 40% of the people who voted in the previous election would be the threshold to force a recall.  (I am using only the votes casted for Corbexx as the basis for the % of votes needed to recall him).

According to the CSM 10 Voting Data (warning, this is a zip file) released by CCP Leelo, there was 1903 votes for Corbexx that counted in the Single Transferable Voting system.  (I call this number into question, only because Greedy Goblins blog used a formula that placed his support at 1545 votes.  Since I am horrible at math I'll just use the CCP number for now).

This means using the same formula as Kansas, there would have to be at least 762 signed petitions to place Corbexx's seat into a recall vote.

If a recall petition is (allowed and) successful, then what?

Now, how would CCP then decide who would run against Corbexx?  Would they just pull Corbexx's seat and give it to the 15th Candidate.  I am honestly not sure who was the next candidate who had the most votes, Greedy Goblin has the following as potential runners up:

779 Bam Stroker

Questions are abound.

However its in my opinion that if a the playerbase can drum up 762 + signatures (granted many would have to be from alts, but they were allowed to vote regardless) then perhaps CCP should come up with a mechanic to allow the playerbase to recall an elected CSM 10 member.

Regardless... We will have fireworks this year, like every year.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The EVE Subscriber, Lost in Space?

Nosy Gamer (Rosewalker in-game), Xander Phoena and I got into a heated twitter conversation on 3-30-2015 about this figure I was quoted of 146k paid subscribers in EVE along side 13k lost alt accounts since Jan 1st 2015.  Nosy then wrote a blog post from that convo.

 Xander went as far as to call my commenting on the data as "Harmful' and that I was "Publicly Lambasting CCP" and "Making a bad situation worse". I don't think sharing information that I flately stated cannot be verified is "Harmful" but its obvious I touched a nerve.

Unfortunately Xander is a previous CSM 9 member but didnt make it to CSM 10, which is a bit discerning because he was at least in the community as a podcaster and member of the media with his website With him not making re-election and DJ Funky Bacon (from EVE-Radio) also off the CSM, we have a definite lack of Media personalities who regularly contribute to the media, but I am off topic...

I bring up Xander's CSM connection because I would be surprised if the CSM doesnt have some facts on what the actual sub numbers are, as they are shared many insider details with CCP under an NDA they sign for 5 years.

This figure of 146k came to me from a unverified source, but I found the figure at least interesting and wanted further input from CCP / EVE Players (which of course is a pipe dream, CCP stopped releasing data and the best numbers we are have are from 2012, released during their 2013 financial statements).

When I mention those figures in various media outlets (most recently the EVE-Radio TNT show with DJ Wiggles and Dirk Macgirk) I stated it was from a reported insider and also I have zero idea if the numbers are true.

I will say that I found the wording from the insider interesting. They specifically stated 146k "paid" subscribers. Does that mean pre-paid accounts paying with paypal or a debit card and not plexed?

I could easily believe that the current EVE subscribers are in the 330k range as suggested by Nosy, using previous data collected by Riptard


I never said the 146k figure was accurate, but its pretty tough to also say that using voting turnout figures is also an accurate way trying to guess subscription numbers. Trying to gauge subscriptions numbers based off voting is murky, at best.

I think the PCU daily numbers are a much better indicator of the health of the EVE universe.

The only accurate information we have is using Chribbas which logs daily player counts (until CCP turns that off too).

Jan 2014 to March 31st 2015 shows the average player count per day at 41k and on a steady decline. 


I wouldnt be shocked if the summer (notoriously bad for MMO's due to better weather and other factors) shows us running into the mid 30k's for a while.

Jan 1st 2009 - Jan 1st 2014 shows an average of 50k. 

In a year and 3 months we are seeing a drop of 9k less players on average logging in. For peak logins its much worse. 

Peak Login per year

2011 - 63.1k
2012 - 54.8k
2013 - 65.3k
2014 - 57.2k
2015 - 46.6k (so far, its still early)

It should also be noted that all the peak login numbers are in the winter months (Roughly Sept-Feb) for the Northern Hemisphere (sorry Aussies I know thats your summer!).

There are a few ideas on things that are causing this decline starting in 2014. The biggest issue I think was the conversion of many areas in Nullsec space to rental empires, removing dozens of alliances who used to live in the West and South / South East by larger blocs who then turned the space into rentals. 

A good visualization is the EVE influence map, which was turned into a pretty good video located here

Looking at the end of 2013 you will see very large regions of space owned by groups called Greater Western Co-Prosperity Sphere, Brothers of Tangra and Northern Associates. These groups are renter alliances run by very large player alliances who took over large swaths of space from other groups, then started renting the space.

It is often stated that huge parts of these rental empires go unoccupied. I dont know how many pilots were directly effected (we would probably needs some help from CCP to get that kinda data) but I would wager it had a major push on the numbers of players in 0.0 and hence perhaps on the number of people who play EVE Online. Losing your home space and then having few options other then to join your aggressor (Stockholm Syndrome) or fight for them (which a few players did) could have led a majority to just stop playing all together.

Perhaps all of this has led in part to the upcoming Sov 5.0 revamp and the Phoebe jump changes (which have already been released). If you give more players a chance to own space in 0.0, perhaps these lost subscribers will decide to come back and re-plant their flag back on the map.



I would also like to show that Dust514 is probably on life support.

During a recent Interview it was revealed that the long desired Dust 514 port over to a PC game (called Project Legion) was in (my words) development limbo, which might be code words for "never going to happen" (in my opinion).

CCP has stated they are working on Dust 514 1st and, reading into the comments, might still bring Project Legion to PC.  Dust has received updates in the past few months, but player count still keeps falling. Dust 514 seems to be majorily suffering in the player base department.

Chribba's amazing website, shows us that Dust started in the 9k daily logins back in 2013, but today is hovering in the 2.5k - 3k range.  While CCP stated that Dust 514 is still profitable (how?) I cant see this steadily decline boding well for the EVE Online FPS.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Alpha Fleet

Thesis - Currently the Dominix Fleet we are running would be inferior to running TFI's

Alpha is King

30 TFI's can instantly kill a Shield Loki even with poor tracking 
using only 1 web and 1 Target Painter
vs 80-90 Domi's


Tank Ability

The Dominix can be alphaed by 30-40 Nulli Loki's w/ 720mm guns

Dominix - Easier to kill (44 Loki's to alpha)

Tempest Fleet Issue - Harder to kill (50 Loki's to Alpha)

Damage Output

Using Garde II's, the Dominix has a higher DPS but a much lower Alpha

Assuming the enemy Loki's are moving in an orbit (hardest to hit)
We have 1 web and 1 target painter on the target loki
The Dominix will do 2000 Alpha vs the TFI doing 4,800 Alpha
in the WORST case scenario 

TFI vs Dominix in Damage Application / Numbers needed to kill a Shield Loki

We would need 80-100 Dominix's to have a chance to alpha one shield loki vs 30-40 TFI's
If we use 2 webs and 2 target painters, the Alpha on the TFI's goes to nearly 7,000

Now we only need 18-22 TFI's to kill a Loki!

Now we factor in Logistics
Assuming Nulli brings 20 Scimitars, it would take 60 Dominix's 1.5 minutes to kill a Shield Loki
However we still only 30 TFI's hitting for 1/2 their potential to kill a Shield Loki